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Design APIs that
your developers will love

Criteria brings product managers and engineers together so teams can deliver customer-centric APIs, faster.

Bridge the business and IT divide

Translate high-level business needs into detailed technical designs with best-practice design systems, smart defaults and templates.

Ship customer-centric APIs

Include the voice of the customer in the design process with a design platform that is accessible to all contributors regardless of their technicality.

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Deliver APIs faster

Eliminate handoffs by having a single source of truth throughout the entire API development life cycle.

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Accelerate standards adoption

Don't just enforce standards, enable their adoption. Built-in design systems means that championing an API-first methodology just got easier.

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Delight developers

Increase API adoption with comprehensive and accurate documentation that developers love.

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Improve collaboration and visibility

Give everyone one platform to collaborate and see everything from design to delivery.

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How Criteria works

Start designing APIs in 3 easy steps.

Create resource dialog screenshot
1. Describe your business

Start from scratch or import an existing API definition. Add your business objects and use cases.

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Docs view screenshot
2. Fill in the blanks

View your API as a documentation mockup. Fill in any missing descriptions and refine.

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Share settings screenshot
3. Share with stakeholders

Share your API design mockup with customers and other stakeholders. Incorporate any changes from their feedback in a single source of truth.

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Ship better APIs

Deliver better-designed web APIs that developers love with a platform that connects the dots across product, engineering and quality.

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